Submit Digital Posters
Academic and industry/professional digital posters will use a two-stage submission process of abstract, followed by the digital video Posters.
Stage 1: Digital Poster Abstract Submission, May 30, 2022
Authors should submit an abstract of up to 300 words with five images indicating which one of the three conference tracks is the project’s focus. (Authors may submit multiple abstracts for different projects.)
The video poster’s abstract may be chosen based on the significance of the problem or the originality of
your approach. State the contribution and uniqueness of your work clearly and explicitly: What is the problem? How does your approach affect change? Why is it better than other approaches? Focus on the contribution of your work rather than the background, including just enough details to clarify how your work differs from others’ research.
Reviewers will evaluate the video Poster Abstracts based on:
- Alignment and fit to conference themes and tracks
- Originality and rigor
- Clarity and communication
The reference list will not be part of the word count. References should be included in Normal style according to APA guidelines (, e.g.
Redström, J. (2017) Making design theory, Cambridge MA, USA: MIT Press.
Keywords: End your abstract with a maximum of six keywords that succinctly indicate the paper’s content.
Keywords: End your abstract with a maximum of six keywords that succinctly indicate the paper’s content.
Stage 2: Digital Video Posters submission, July 11, 2022
Authors should submit the Video Posters document using a 16:9 horizontal aspect ratio. The most straightforward method for creating a Video Poster is using either Keynote or Powerpoint. When using Keynote or Powerpoint, you can export your solution as a Quicktime.
The digital posters submitted for the conference [ a template will be provided] must work without sound. You may include sound for versions posted on the conference website.
The conference website will host each accepted video poster allowing asynchronous and mobile viewing. Limit your presentation to two to three minutes of run time.
Posters will be reviewed on the basis of:
- visual quality
- integration
- information
- interactions, and abstractions
- Video poster design guidelines
The top area of your first frame is dedicated to the following information:
- title no longer than 100 characters including spaces
- all authors’ name, surname
- corresponding author affiliation
- corresponding author email
- chosen track logo: please choose the template according to the track.
Following frames are dedicated to the contents:
abstract – research objectives – methodology and tools – research process – expected/obtained results
The poster contents can be presented as short texts, schematic representations, infographics, images, videos, motion graphics. Always concentrate on your Core Message. When planning your digital video, you should always keep in mind the question: What is the key message (or three key points) for my audience to take away? Use a master page and create guides to help with placement. Zone where you would like critical elements of your presentation such as headline, text, and images. Avoid having the viewer bounce around the screen to connect the story. Create a visual connection that moves the reader from left to right across the screen.
Use the designated type family – Google font Source Sans Pro.
Text type should be 30 pt. or larger.
The bottom area of the first frame contains Conference partner logos, which should be left untouched.
Formatted Poster
Successful Authors of selected video Posters will be required to resubmit their contribution, addressing minor revisions and edits as directed by the selection panels, in the conference format no later than August 8th.
Poster abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings.